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quinta-feira, março 03, 2005 

Musiquinha boa...!!!

Pah, meus amigos, compinchas desta curta viagem que é a vida, nem sempre temos tempo ou inspiração ou ainda vontade de escrever cenas do nosso dia-a-dia, textos malucos ou verdadeiros testamentos filosoficos sobre o que nos rodeia!!! Pois bem é o que se passa comigo mas tenho de manter o meu blog em dia e como sou o unico mentor tento fazer o meu melhor para aqueles que me visitam (devem ser muito poucos ou nenhuns...loooooool )!!!
Em virtude do que disse em cima, hoje vou pôr aqui uma musiquinha á maneira que me tem acompanhado nestes ultimos dias, para aqueles que me conhecem irão achar estranho mas aqui o "dédé" tambem tem um lado mais sensivel e romantico!!!

Espero que gostem, são os Maroon 5 com...she will be loved...!!!

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
I want more

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

A musica faz sempre lembrar alguem, um bom momento, uma boa recordação que fica..........

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